Deep Learning , the Specialization

Hey buddies,
Today I take the Deep Learning  specialization course on  Coursera , provided by .
This is a paid course but thanks to Coursera to add the option 'audit the course'  for those who can't afford to pay for their learnings. I'm also a student fall under this group.

Before take this I've completed the Machine Learning  course provided by Stanford University  and a great teacher called Andrew NG. After Learning some ML basic I got so excited that leads me to take the Deep Learning course, Also recommended by a mentor met in Developer Student Club.

Let's talk a bit why I took this course : 
  • I heard that DL(Deep Learning) can Transfer Style 
  • It is very useful in Image Recognition 
  • It used to make Autonomous Driving System
  • It is used in Predicting Sequence or Sequence Modelling
  • Using Sequence Modelling we can built Translator, Speech Recognition 
But I mainly influenced by the Transfer Style category.

There are 5 courses in this specialization namely : 
  1. Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  2. Improving Deep Neural Networks
  3. How to Structure ML Projects
  4. Convolutional Neural Networks
  5. Sequence Models
Now I took the 1st one and hopefully I'll publish my everyday learnings  through my posts.

Till Then, Happy coding and keep tuning
Also StayHome StaySafe

Feel free to give feedbacks and comments
Very sorry for not giving any picture(there is an internal problem)
